Monday, December 29, 2008

same happy couple, warmer clime

last summer at
Cindy Waddick's home
on Lake Erie

larger shot of C&D

here's a larger version of our profile shot...
Colette and David at Liz's wedding to Brian Patchett in October 07

shiny new blog

Welcome to Dave and Colette's shiny new blog...the space for news, pictures etc from the Squires family in Abbotsford (and other places...i.e. where the grown/flown kids live, where we travel to, etc). Keep in touch here, or visit us on facebook.

If you're an experienced blogger, bear with us as we get to know this world...we're not exactly the tell-it-all-to-anyone-who-cares-to-listen types, but we hope to share some of the fun we have as a family, as well as keep friends and family posted with news.

Look for our Christmas letters to show up here...more green than sending out all those printed copies.

(by the way, our profile picture is at Liz's wedding, fall 07...more about that in another blog)