Saturday, January 3, 2009

Luke Zwaan, growing up

Luke is starting to look so grown up here--and as is typical of young babies (he was only about 3-4 months old here) looks pretty serious when a camera is pointed at him. All those flashing lights! His looks are really changing now, and he is one of the happiest, smiliest babies at this point in time. Not making strange yet, and not troubled by teething yet either. He is a real delight!
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Kirsten and Neil, Christmas 2008

Kirsten and Neil were just heading out to a Christmas event sponsored by the developer that Neil is building for, and their kids stayed at our house while they were gone.
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Grandma's grandsons!

What fun! Luke is on the left, Kieran is in the middle, and Cory is on the right. I wonder when the little girls will start to arrive??
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Liz and Brian at Diana's birthday dinner

This was taken in Diana's living room, during supper before we headed out to Stanley Park for the "Bright Lights" Christmas display. Young love! It's so great!
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Diana turns 25 in Dec 08

Diana wanted to do something different and creative for her 25th birthday with her family, so we all headed in to Vancouver for an afternoon of Christmas shopping (this shot was taken at the end of our lunch at the Pacific Centre), and then we went back to Diana's apartment for a dinner that we all put on together, and then we all went out to see the "Bright Lights" display at Stanley Park. We all really enjoyed it, and I hope we'll make it part of our ongoing Christmas traditions. Cory especially loved being able to ride the little train through the park in the dark, seeing all the different light displays nestled amongst the giant trees. Kieran came along too, and sat with Liz and Brian in rapt attention (he loves lights!). We all had a blast riding the train together, visiting the petting farm, and walking through the displays. No good photos, though--our night photography isn't yet up to snuff!
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Diana with Kieran Aprll/May 2008

I love this picture of Kieran. He was around 4 - 6 weeks old here, and had such a lively, bright face and showed so much interest in the world around him. Diana is holding him swaddled in his receiving blanket, although he doesn't look at all ready to have his nap! Kirsten taught Liz the wonders of swaddling (a trick I never knew when I had my newborns) and it is amazing how it helps babies go to sleep and stay asleep. Kieran is now the easiest baby to put to bed, because he learned how to settle and fall asleep all swaddled up in those early months. Diana loves her cuddle time with her nephews!
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Being a Grandma

It has been an incredible delight to have Kieran growing up in our basement suite, because we get to see him almost every day. This is so different from the experience that our own kids had, growing up most years far away from the rest of their family, and having visits from grandparents or other relatives often once a year, at best. It has also been interesting to become a grandparent while still raising our own family--that means when grandchildren come over, usually their very young aunts and uncle are around to play with, so they don't just come over to see their grandparents. (And they are very fortunate to have young aunts and uncles, because it makes for much more lively activity and fooling around!) This creates a very rich and varied experience for them--and if we want time alone with our grandchildren, we have to organize it!
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Dan at Thanksgiving

This is Dan, in October of his Grade 9 year. He is now 14, although at 5'11" he is often mistaken for someone quite a bit older! He loves football, playing piano (he's now learning jazz and improvisation), and of course, video games! He has been an uncle since the age of 9, and does a great job of amusing and entertaining all the little ones when they come to visit.
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Kirsten and Kieran

One of the wonderful things about having family nearby is that the little ones can grow up really knowing who their relatives are, and with an opportunity to build relationships with them. Here is Kirsten with Kieran (Liz's baby boy). We think that Kirsten's Luke and Kieran may grow up feeling almost like brothers, because they are only 3 months apart, and they see one another weekly. Liz helps Kirsten out with babysitting, and that gives her a chance to do lots with Cory as well, as "Auntie Liz"
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Diana's significant other

Diana and Paul have been going out for around 8 months now, having met one another through the acting industry in Vancouver. Paul is a very friendly, easy-going guy, who has been a wonderful addition to Diana's life. They are currently visiting Paul's family in Edmonton.
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Christmas with babies!

This was a really fun Christmas with all the babies in the house. Diana is with Luke (Kirsten's boy) and Brian is holding Kieran. Liz, Brian and Kieran live in our above-ground basement suite, which gives them their own kitchen, living room, bathroom and two bedrooms. Diana just loves being an aunt to all these boys, and they get lots and lots of attention from her whenever she is around.
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Lizzie turns 19 in November

Liz and Brian both turned 19 this fall, and here she is reading a birthday card, with Brian and Kieran beside her in our living room. Brian is back to his natural haircolour, and we all really like the look!
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Christmas 08: David and Cory

Cory is wearing the Canucks Santa hat that Dan gave him for Christmas. Kirsten, Neil and Cory are serious Canucks fans, and watching the game is a big part of how they like to spend their free time.
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Our Car! (We wish)

Isn't this a sweet car?? We enjoyed it vicariously at our good friend Cindy Waddick's home this past summer when holidaying in Ontario. Cindy was actually the 'designated driver' since the vehicle really belongs to her sister-in-law! Wow. . . this is really getting complicated!
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Thanksgiving 2008

This is only half of the guests at our dinner table, but all we could fit into this picture! This year we had a full table: guests included Diana's boyfriend Paul (2nd from left), Dan's former girlfriend Sara (between Dan and me), Ann and Tony Parkinson (Colette's cousins from the UK) and Melody Holmes, Colette's niece, currently studying linguistics at TWU. At the other end of the table were Kirsten, Neil, Cory and Luke, Liz, Brian and Kieran. (unseen)
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Cory and Baby Luke

Cory was delighted to discover in our toy box this pair of glasses with false nose and moustache attached. If you turn the knob on the nose, the moustache wiggles up and down! Luke is looking on, and doesn't seem really fazed that his brother is looking rather different from normal! Taken about a month before Christmas, 2008
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Luke Zwaan, born very early!

David, Daniel, Liz, baby Kieran and Colette took a trip to Ontario at the end of June for David's sister's wedding to Gilles Landry, and to have a time of family visiting. However, Kirsten's baby Luke decided to make a very early arrival, putting all of us in a tail spin! Although he was several weeks premature, he was still over 6 pounds, and today is bigger than Kieran even though he is 3 months younger! This shot captures Kirsten and Colette with Luke in the neo-natal nursery, where he spent several days before being able to come home.
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our white Christmas warming????
(no BBQs this Christmas)

Wedding #11: It meant so much to us to have close family and friends with us that day. On the left is Cindy Waddick and her daughter Elyse. Cindy is my best friend from university, and our kids consider her and her kids as family, not just friends. We have many, many memories of time spent with their family over the years, so we were thrilled when Cindy and Elyse were able to come out for several days to help us with the last minute details of the wedding. Kneeling on the floor is Rachel, David's niece. Her mother is Catherine, who is David's sister, and she is standing next to David. It was great to have them with us! It's been a year of weddings: Rachel was married in the summer of 2007 to Stephane, Liz was married in October 2007, and then Catherine was married to Gilles in the summer of 2008. To the left of Catherine is Kirsten, and her husband Neil holding their 1st son Cory. (Kirsten had a second son in the summer, named Luke) Beside David and Colette on the right is our daughter Diana, and then Colette's sister Manya. She was also a wonderful help the weekend of the wedding: she took hundreds of photographs to supplement the pictures supplied by the professional photographer, and was able to capture many special moments and all of the guests as well, for the guest book. Beside Manya are David's parents, Sid and Grace Squires. They have been there for us in so many situations, and were there for us again, this time--doing whatever was needed to help bring the wedding together. In front of them is Daniel, who made a hilarious tribute to Brian in the reception that got the crowd roaring with laughter--they really loved Dan's "rap style" delivery, and gave him a standing ovation at the end! (Note: if you are an inexperienced blog reader like me, you might not know that you can click on any picture to see it larger! It sure helps for group shots!)
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Wedding #10: From left to right: Kirsten, Daniel, David, Colette, Diana, with Brian and Liz in the front row.
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Wedding #9: A romantic moment at the head table. Right after the ceremony punch was served while people greeted the happy couple and their families, and then we went right into the ballroom for the reception. A wonderful buffet dinner, followed by a dance. What a great time!
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Wedding #8: Sharing some laughter on a very happy day. This is one of Liz's favourite photos.
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Wedding #7:Brian and Liz after the wedding. A happy couple! The ceremony had been a very moving, beautiful event, and many people were very touched by it.
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Wedding #6: This is one of our favourite photos, taken before the wedding ceremony. It was a very rainy day so there are no outdoors pictures, but this created a beautiful setting for her and her dress.
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Wedding #5: Dan is looking on as his sister is being married. It was an emotional day for all of us!
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