Saturday, January 3, 2009

Being a Grandma

It has been an incredible delight to have Kieran growing up in our basement suite, because we get to see him almost every day. This is so different from the experience that our own kids had, growing up most years far away from the rest of their family, and having visits from grandparents or other relatives often once a year, at best. It has also been interesting to become a grandparent while still raising our own family--that means when grandchildren come over, usually their very young aunts and uncle are around to play with, so they don't just come over to see their grandparents. (And they are very fortunate to have young aunts and uncles, because it makes for much more lively activity and fooling around!) This creates a very rich and varied experience for them--and if we want time alone with our grandchildren, we have to organize it!
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