Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wedding #11: It meant so much to us to have close family and friends with us that day. On the left is Cindy Waddick and her daughter Elyse. Cindy is my best friend from university, and our kids consider her and her kids as family, not just friends. We have many, many memories of time spent with their family over the years, so we were thrilled when Cindy and Elyse were able to come out for several days to help us with the last minute details of the wedding. Kneeling on the floor is Rachel, David's niece. Her mother is Catherine, who is David's sister, and she is standing next to David. It was great to have them with us! It's been a year of weddings: Rachel was married in the summer of 2007 to Stephane, Liz was married in October 2007, and then Catherine was married to Gilles in the summer of 2008. To the left of Catherine is Kirsten, and her husband Neil holding their 1st son Cory. (Kirsten had a second son in the summer, named Luke) Beside David and Colette on the right is our daughter Diana, and then Colette's sister Manya. She was also a wonderful help the weekend of the wedding: she took hundreds of photographs to supplement the pictures supplied by the professional photographer, and was able to capture many special moments and all of the guests as well, for the guest book. Beside Manya are David's parents, Sid and Grace Squires. They have been there for us in so many situations, and were there for us again, this time--doing whatever was needed to help bring the wedding together. In front of them is Daniel, who made a hilarious tribute to Brian in the reception that got the crowd roaring with laughter--they really loved Dan's "rap style" delivery, and gave him a standing ovation at the end! (Note: if you are an inexperienced blog reader like me, you might not know that you can click on any picture to see it larger! It sure helps for group shots!)
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