Saturday, January 3, 2009

Diana turns 25 in Dec 08

Diana wanted to do something different and creative for her 25th birthday with her family, so we all headed in to Vancouver for an afternoon of Christmas shopping (this shot was taken at the end of our lunch at the Pacific Centre), and then we went back to Diana's apartment for a dinner that we all put on together, and then we all went out to see the "Bright Lights" display at Stanley Park. We all really enjoyed it, and I hope we'll make it part of our ongoing Christmas traditions. Cory especially loved being able to ride the little train through the park in the dark, seeing all the different light displays nestled amongst the giant trees. Kieran came along too, and sat with Liz and Brian in rapt attention (he loves lights!). We all had a blast riding the train together, visiting the petting farm, and walking through the displays. No good photos, though--our night photography isn't yet up to snuff!
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